Event attendees

Individual Sponsor attendees
Name Company Website Drupal.org username
Benjamin Rose Princeton University Mathematics www.math.princeton.edu allmybase
Benji Fisher Isovera www.isovera.com benjifisher
Christopher Cane Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory www.pppl.gov ccane
David Hernandez FFW Agency ffwagency.com davidhernandez
David Zahler zahler IT cosulting LLC zahlerit.com dzahler
George Matthes Johnson & Johnson watsonerror
Gobinath Mallaiyan TATA Consultancy Services gobinath.com gobinathm
Jared Bratu Congruity Service www.congruityservice.com jbratu
Jeffrey Danielewicz University of Pennsylvania www.finance.upenn.edu D_Wicz
John Bowen Yardley Web Design yardleywebdesign.com jgbinnpa
John Cloys Princeton University wws.princeton.edu jcloys
John La Mantia DataPrimeCloud dataprimecloud.com/drupal
Kristal Eley Kristal Eley LLC Yourimageisyou.com
Lance Beden Princeton University / Astrophysical Sciences web.astro.princeton.edu
Matt Westgate Lullabot www.lullabot.com matt westgate
Matthew Donadio DiD Agency didagency.com mpdonadio
Ray Saltini FFW Agency ffwagency.com rgs
Rich Gerdes Rutgers University oit.rutgers.edu richgerdes
Saji George Solaris Services LLC. sabercloud.com sakaem
Sam Steinig Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP www.saul.com SamSteinig
Sean Reiser freelancedrupal.com seanreiser
shyam vadarevu
Sudheesh Puthuveettil sudheeshps
Regular Attendees
Name Company Website Drupal.org username
Aaron Bauman Message Agency messageagency.com
Aaron Bauman Message Agency www.messageagency.com aaronbauman
Aaron Froehlich Cornell University www.ilr.cornell.edu a-fro
Aaron Madhavan Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health amadhav1
Abhishek Jain TCS Abhishek.Jain
Adam Bergstein www.nerdstein.net nerdstein
Adam Bert xforty technologies xforty.com abert
Adam Legowski
Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg Zivtech / Probo.Ci probo.ci Alex UA
Amy Reilly
Amyjune Hineline Kanopi Studios https://www.kanopistudios.com volkswagenchick
Andrei Khalipau Princeton University princeton.edu xopoc
Andrew Li
Ann Ambrose Princeton University Press press.princeton.edu
Annie Mingle Princeton University PNI/Psychology annie@princeton.edu
Anoop Ajaykumar Tata Consultancy Services www.tcs.com anoopajay
Antonio Barrera Children's Hospital of Philadelphia www.chop.edu antonioG4
Arup Majumder TCS
Ashraf Abed Debug Academy LLC debugacademy.com ashrafabed
Axa Liauw
Boutros AbiChedid boutrosabichedid.com boutrosa
Brian Osborne Princeton University princeton.edu bkosborne
Bruce (Emlyn) Rutty Softescu www.softescu.com
Bryan Ollendyke Penn State www.elmsln.org btopro
byron veale Princeton University: Web Development Services princeton.edu byronveale
Carrie Collins Princeton University Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education keller.princeton.edu
Cathy Theys BioRAFT bioraft.com YesCT
Charlene Uban O3 World www.o3world.com
Charles Lavera
Chintan Parikh PRI pridigital.com cparikh@priworks.com
Chittaranjan Pattnaik Tata Consultancy Service Limited www.tcs.com
Chris McCafferty Institute for Advanced Study www.ias.edu cilefen
Chris Urban urbanlegend
Christine Hickey Rutgers University accessibility.rutgers.edu
courtland plummer Sussex County IT sussexcounty.gov courtland plummer
Dana Hutchins Inforest Communications www.inforest.com spacetaxi
Daniel Gilbert SEI seic.com dbgilbert
Daniel Laufer O3 World www.o3world.com
Danielle Weber-Soares Rutgers University rutgers.edu dweberso
David Croft
David Strauss Pantheon pantheon.io David Strauss
Dennis Gilbert SEI seic.com dgilbert
Devin Zuczek EthosCE www.ethosce.com djdevin
Dewen Li Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com
Edna Wigderson www.ias.edu ednawig
Eric Sod MSKCC www.mskcc.org esod
Eve Burris Rutgers, the State University of NJ www.rutgers.edu eburris
Ezra Wolfe EthosCE www.ethosce.com ezraw
frank stepanski fsjay@hotmail.com
Gayathri Colundalur PRI pridigital.com
Gene Chi gene_chi
George Hoffman Princeton University www.princeton.edu
Georgette Chalker Princeton University www.princeton.edu geo geektress
Gergely Csonka Cheppers cheppers.com
Giovanni Glass NBCUniversal www.syfy.com momendo
Graham Squires
Greg Wilson
imane sabrina feknous college of staten island www.csi.cuny.edu
Ivan Hurt ivanhurt
Jacob Rockowitz The Big Blue House jrockowitz.com jrockowitz
James Kettinger Cooper University Health Care www.cooperhealth.org
Jared Bratu
Jaspreet Longia Princeton University princeton.edu jaslongia
Jeanne Weber Rutgers, the State University of NJ rutgers.edu
Jeff Markel Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com
Jess (xjm) Acquia xjm
Jesse Berman jesberman.github.io
Jessica Bladon CrowdCG www.crowdcg.com jlbladon
Jesus Olivas WeKnow weknowinc.com jmolivas
Jill Moraca Princeton University www.princeton.edu/wds jmoraca
Jimmy yau J&J jnj.sharepoint.com/sites/OneIT syau@its.jnj.com
Joanne Tunney
Jocelyn Cruz Johnson & Johnson
Jody Hamilton Zivtech zivtech.com Jody Lynn
Joe Friedrich Athletic Trainers' Society of New Jersey www.atsnj.org
John Grubb platform.sh platform.sh jgrubb
John Jameson Princeton University communications.princeton.edu itmaybejj
John Kerbaugh FFW ffwagency.com Kerby70
Jon Pugh DevShop devshop.support Jon Pugh
Jumoke Adekanmi
Kara Gaulrapp Message Agency messageagency.com
Karl DeBisschop BioRAFT www.bioraft.com kdebisschop
Keith Donaldson Zipcar www.zipcar.com kdonaldson
Keith Doyle SEI seic.com keithdoyle9
Kelly Fillinger Princeton University
Ken Robinson Rutgers, the State University of NJ rutgers.edu kenrbusu
Kermitt Ramirez Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center www.mskcc.org/pe silentkerm
Kevin Thull Blue Drop Shop kthull
Kevin Wiechmann Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com
Krishnan Manickam
Leon Rainbow Inforest Communications www.inforest.com aerosoleon
Levi Sigworth XIAH xiah.io wheatpenny
Lingyan He Princeton University
Louise Saletta Princeton University Press press.princeton.edu
Manish Goyal TCS www.tcs.com manishgoyal
Marcus Iannozzi Message Agency messageagency.com
Marcus Iannozzi Message Agency messageagency.com iannozzi
Maria Mercedes Tuya Institute for Advanced Study www.ias.edu
Marie Theodoropoulou DOE techmsth
Maritza Cruz Princeton University www.princeton.edu/wds
Mark Lee Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com
Mark Wilson Cornell University College of Arts & Sciences as.cornell.edu
Marvin Schuldiner Sanns, LLC www.sannsllc.com marvs5
Matthew Elefant Incusive Digital www.inclusiveweb.co
Matthew Wenner PRI pridigital.com
Meghan Plunkett Lullabot lullabot.com dead_arm
Michael Aiken Cheppers cheppers.com
Michael Andrec NumerousHats
Michael Hess mlhess
Michael Muzzie Princeton University notmike
Michael Potter Penn State University elmsln.org heyMP
Miguel Rodriguez Princeton University princeton.edu
Mike Piluso Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com
Nadzeya Kerus EPAM
Nagababu Sudabattula TCS
Neil Drumm Drupal Association www.drupal.org/association drumm
Oleksii Chekulaiev EPAM Systems epam.com achekulaev
Patrick Saletta
Peter Wolanin BioRAFT www.bioraft.com pwolanin
Philip Denlinger WTD mindbet
Priscilla Pineda
Rachel Blacker Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com
Rebecca Louie Princeton University
Richard von Rauchhaupt Stony Brook University it.stonybrook.edu sbubaron
Robert Ivan Princeton University robertivan.com
Roman Lavrov CUNY CSI
Sai Kota IT Trailblazers.com www.ittblazers.com
Sam McDonald Rutgers University Libraries www.libraries.rutgers.edu
SASTHA M LOGANATHAN TATA Consultancy Services www.tcs.com sastha
SAURABH CHUGH TATA Consultancy Services saurabh-chugh
Scott Wolpow ScottWolpow
Sean Walsh CrowdCG www.crowdcg.com crowdcg
Shawn Williams PRI pridigital.com
Shijin Mangalore TCS shijin87
Siarhei Semashka sergesemashko
Siata McIntosh Acquia www.acquia.com mmcintosh
Sidney Harrell
sonia thompson PhillyCAM phillycam.org soniat
Sophie Idromenos Media & Publishing techmsi
Srilalitha Adiraju TCS
Srivaths Lakshmi Srivaths
Stephen Shaw esihome.com ElegantSolutions
Sukhbir Singh Johnson & Johnson jnj.com
Sunil Murali IT Trailblazers www.ittblazers.com b26sunil
Surendra Singh Tata Consultancy Services surendrasingh1
Susan Shemin joyseeker
Suzanne Dergacheva Evolving Web evolvingweb.ca pixelite
Ted Bowman Acquia acquia.com tedbow
Terry Johnson xforty technologies xforty.com tjj814
Thanh Ta Johnson & Johnson www.jnj.com thanhta
Thomas Minnefor Rutgers - Web Consulting Services sites.rutgers.edu/wcs
Tim Plunkett Acquia tim.plunkett
Tonya Gibson Princeton U www.princeton.edu/wds tgibson
Yolanda White Department of Education Ywhite
Yuhwei Ling
Yuri Alegria yalegria

201 registered attendees (180 listed)